An integrated mental healthcare workforce with innovative tools,
resources and technology
The focus of treatment is on maintaining an environment in which patients feel safe, supported and understood. Once stabilised, the focus of treatment is to help patients develop emotional management and life skills with resilience to deal with stress in the future. We promote independence which enables individuals to progress towards community living. Individual treatment plans are psychologically informed with a holistic formulation, delivered by an experienced multidisciplinary team, nurses and support workers.
Thorough diagnostic assessment treatment, (including medication) and shared formulation, interventions aimed to reduce impulsivity and risks associated with diagnosis. Interventions encouraging improved ability to manage emotions and symptoms of mental illness. Community focussed opportunities to promote social integration, develop skills and provide structured support to improve sense of wellbeing, purpose and meaning. Interventions to improve physical health and promote a healthy lifestyle, relapse prevention planning and identification of community support needs for planning progression.
Our treatment programme is designed to support patients through their recovery pathway, this will include reducing symptomology, stabilising and supporting patients to utilise effective coping strategies. We will encourage patients to develop their own effective management strategies, structure their days, plan for the future and reintegrate into the community. The treatment plan will be based upon thorough psychological formulation and the HOPE rehabilitation model utililsed to deliver a bespoke treatment plan for individuals delivered by an experienced MDT.
Individualised assessment programmes will determine treatment required. We are able to provide psychological input including trauma therapy, EMDR, DBT, CBT...
Working together to enable individualised and effective support.
Exploring the pathway of recovery, where the patient has come from, where they are now and where they want to be in the future. Positive goal setting with realistic steps reviewed with the MDT.
Developing personalised plans, understanding triggers, relapse signatures and having crisis plans available.
A graded approach is adapted and individualised to all patients to allow supported progression to unescorted leave. We are a community facing service and have links to local colleges, voluntary work programmes and recovery based services.
We provide access to art activities and can provide specialist art and sensory workshops to support relaxation, enjoyment and well being
Encouraging cooking skills using a tiered approach, allowing for support to be given in an individualised manner with the overall goal of enabling independence through full self catering where appropriate.
A tiered approach adapted to each individual to encourage and enable progression towards self medicating with monitoring, support and education.
A supportive approach to discharge involving robust planning, collaborative working and graded methods where needed with follow up contact from Draper House staff to enable a seamless supportive transfer.
an integrative, mind-body based approach that helps people to manage their thoughts and feelings and mental health. Mindfulness exercises are ways of paying attention to the present moment, using techniques like meditation, breathing, and yoga. Staff and patients will be encouraged to partake in mindful activities.
Families will be supported, involved and sessions offered to offer information about different diagnoses, medication, risk management and coping strategies.
sessions offered to offer information about different diagnoses, medication, risk management and coping strategies.